Make a SASSy CSS Cocktail

Bourbon & Bitters Served Neat

Brandon Martinez | | @brandonmartinez

About Me

Brandon Martinez | | @brandonmartinez

Skyline Technologies (We're Hiring!) | | @skylinetweets

Let's Get Started!

CSS Preprocessors

What are they?

Utilities that preprocess languages into CSS

Allow for modular, DRY, development of CSS

Provide a superset of features, such as variables, mixins, imports, and more

Sass, Less.js, and Stylus are the most popular

We'll be focusing on Sass

What's Bootstrap?

An HTML, CSS, and JS framework for rapid web development

Developed originally with Less.js, but now additionally has a Sass port

Includes lots of design patterns, widgets, interactive features, and more that you would expect out of a framework

Why Not Bootstrap?

Still have to work to customize it

Lots of extra markup
(non-domain semantic classes used to style; e.g. col-sm-4)

May get more features than needed

Getting SASSy

Sass is a Ruby-based CSS preprocessor. It is one of the most mature, and popular, preprocessors available. Getting started is easy.


$base-text-color: #000;
$base-text-hover-color: #444;

#header {
  h1 {
    color: $base-text-color;

    a {
      text-decoration: none;

      &:hover {
        text-decoration: underline;
        color: $base-text-hover-color;

/* CSS */

#header h1 {
  color: #000;

#header h1 a {
  text-decoration: none;

#header h1 a:hover {
  text-decoration: underline;
  color: #444;

/* Compressed! */
#header h1{color:#000}#header h1 a{text-decoration:none}#header h1 a:hover{text-decoration:underline;color:#444}


Introducing Bourbon

A simple and lightweight mixin library for Sass.

Gives you common CSS patterns to use, not entire design elements.

Abstracts many of the common pain-points in CSS (e.g. vendor prefixes and new standards).

Introducing Bourbon



Bourbon Served Neat

A lightweight semantic grid framework for Sass and Bourbon.

Extremely flexible, allowing for pushing your grid system directly into your domain.

Supports responsive designs.

Bourbon Served Neat



A Splash of Bitters

Scaffold styles, variables and structure for Bourbon projects.

A starting point for your new web projects. Sets you up for success with predefined variables, type, grid settings (using Neat), and other elements.

Meant to be modified; install once, edit, and run with it.

A Splash of Bitters



Ready for a Refill?

Starting points for common components and patterns utilizing Bourbon and Neat.

Excellent reference material for creating your own templates.

Ready for a Refill?



Bartender Etiquette

Creating a complete project structure using our new tools.



What about a live demo?


Thank you!

Brandon Martinez | | @brandonmartinez

Skyline Technologies (We're Hiring!) | | @skylinetweets